18th Annual Open House - Plant Sale, BBQ & Wheel of Dirt
Maibec CanExel cordially invite you to the 18th Annual Open House for the Composting Facility's Maibec CanExel East River Community Environmental Liaison Committee from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, rain or shine at the Union Hall (7216 Hwy 329, East River).
Guest Speaker, Crystal Godfrey, of Secret Garden, will give a talk on sustainable gardening, among other guest speakers, commencing at 10:30 am. A non-perishable donation for the Food Bank would be appreciated. The first 200 people will each receive a free bag of compost. Stop by for some refreshments, the plant sale, the BBQ or try your luck at the "Wheel of Dirt". Fill out draw ballots for free compost or a backyard composter.
For more info, contact Jennifer Frotten, Environmental, Health & Safety Technician at 902-275-2976 or visit our Facebook page at "Community Environmental Liaison Committee".