Seven Councillors sit on Council. As part of their duties, they are also required to sit on one or more Standing and Special Committees as well as represent the Municipality on various other bodies. The Warden is a member of all standing committees, and at the Warden's discretion, a member of all special committees. These committees advise Council (as a whole) on various, specialized issues. Please click on the link to the right to view membership of the Committees. The Committees and vacancies are listed below:
- Audit Committee
- Building Code & Unsightly Premises
- Chester Municipal Planning Advisory Committee
- Chester Village Planning Advisory Committee
- Chester Volunteer Fire Service Committee
- Citizens Landfill Monitoring Committee
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee
- Fire Advisory Committee
- Heritage Advisory Committee - TWO VACANCIES
- Recreation & Parks Committee
- Recreation Facility Steering Committee (New 2025) - ONE VACANCY
- Sherbrooke Lake Access Advisory Committee
Besides being appointed to Special and Standing Committees, Councillors are also required to represent Council on various other bodies. Please click on the link to the right for membership. These bodies are,
- Church Memorial Park Trustees
- Community Use of Schools Committee - All Schools
- Lunenburg County Accessibility Advisory Committee
- Lunenburg County Seniors' Safety Program
- Region 6 Solid Waste Management Committee
- Regional Emergency Measures (REMO)
- South Shore Housing Action Coalition
- South Shore Regional Library Board
- Zoe Valle Library Municipal Trustee
There are several positions with the Municipality that Council appoints. Sometimes staff are appointed and sometimes citizens are appointed. They appointments are:
- Auditors
- Chief Building Inspector
- Development Officer
- Acting Development Officer
- Emergency Measures Coordinator (Municipal)
- Fences Arbitration Committee
- Fire Inspector
- Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Responsible Officer
- Returning Officer
- Sexual Harrassment Policy Administrator
- Sexual Harrassment Policy Advisor
- Sheep Valuer
- Solicitor
- Town Crier