Council for the Municipality of Chester usually meets on the second and last Thursdays of each month at 8:45 a.m. We strive to livestream all meetings, and recordings stay on our YouTube channel ( If technical issues arise, minutes are always posted online after approval (click here for the link). Please follow the link on this page to access meeting agendas, which are usually posted the Tuesday before each Council meeting.
PUBLIC INPUT - Meetings are open to the public, and we invite feedback during our 15-minute Public Input Session near the beginning of each meeting. During this time, up to three members of the public can have up to five minutes to address Council. Please note that you will be asked to state your name and address for the record.
PRESENTATION - If you or your organization want to engage with Council through a scheduled presentation, please complete our online request form or contact the Municipal Clerk (contact information on this page) two weeks prior to the meeting. Presentations are 15 minutes (10 minutes per presentation and 5 minutes for questions). If there is material to be provided in the agenda package for Council it must be received by noon one week prior to the meeting.