The Municipality of Chester is committed to supporting equity, diversity, inclusion, and dignity of all people, and to establishing equal opportunities in employment. To begin that work, we have created the following frameworks:
- In 2021, Municipal Council struck the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Advisory Committee to be a forum for consultation, feedback, and discussion on matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Municipality as well as to support staff in the implementation of an action plan. The Committee met for the first time in January 2022.
- The Municipality entered into an agreement with other municipal units in Lunenburg County to take a regional approach to implementing a plan to remove accessibility barriers. A regional coordinator was hired in August 2022 and plans/audits continue.
- In December of 2022, the Municipality was accepted as a member of the Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities, a network under the Canadian Commission of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).
- In March 2023, Council approved an Action Plan recommended by the EDI Advisory Committee (linked on the right).
- In the same month, Council agreed to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the other four municipal units in Lunenburg County to endorse a regional anti-racism committee, led by a regional coordinator.
For more information and updates on how the Municipality is working under these frameworks, please visit our Voices and Choices engagement page.