An Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) is a long-term plan/vision document that encourages more effective planning and management of the Municipality’s assets and resources. It represents a shift in local planning and decision making toward a more long-term, consistent and participatory approach.
The ICSP is based on the principles of sustainability and recognizes the integrated and interdependent relationship between the economy, the environment, social, and cultural aspects of our communities.
Our original ICSP was developed through a comprehensive, multi-ear public engagement process. It was adopted by Council in 2008. In 2012 there was a ‘check-in’ on the progress toward implementing our Municipality’s Integrated
Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP). During the check-in , Council acknowledged that the ICSP will require many years, multiple planning strategies, and many willing community partners to fully implement it. The Municipality is one of those partners. A revised document was created that was specifically written from the Municipality’s point of view. It attempts to do three things:
1. Better define the progress we’ve made;
2. Better define the role(s) that our government might play, and how best to engage the community; and
3. Help us move toward the adoption of the ICSP’s goals and philosophies as guiding principles for our operating decisions, policies and future directions.