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Public Information Meeting

In the matter of the Municipal Government Act and the Municipality of the District of Chester

TAKE NOTICE THAT on October 30th, 2022, the Council of the Municipality of the District of Chester received a request to enter into a Development Agreement with Bonny Lea Farm, owner of PID 6014835 at 5 Collicutt Road, Chester. 

Map of PID 6014835

An application for a Development Agreement to build a 4-bedroom small options home and 2 sites identified for possible future developments on PID 6014835 is to be considered.

A PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING on this proposal will be held by staff at 5 Collicutt Road, Chester in the gymnasium, on Tuesday January 10, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of the Public Information Meeting is to provide an opportunity for any interested person to obtain information and to discuss the proposal.

For further information, call 902-275-2599
P. Myra, Clerk