Draft #2 Village of Chester Secondary Planning Strategy and Land Use By-Law
What: Two public meetings to learn about the draft Secondary Planning Strategy and Land Use By-Law. Find out what has changed since Draft #1, make comments, and ask questions of staff.
When: March 26th, 2024: 2:30 pm-4:30 pm
March 28th, 2024: 6:00 pm-8:00 pm
Where: Tuck Hall (St. Stephen's Community Centre), 54 Regent Street, Chester
What is it: Beginning in 2020, a review, update and rewrite of the Village of Chester Secondary Planning Strategy and Land Use By-Law began. A series of public engagement events, meetings and discussions with Council have occurred since, resulting in Draft #2 of the SPS and LUB being publicly released on February 29th, 2024.
How can I have my say? This meeting is a chance to learn about the new documents, what has changed since Draft #1, ask questions and provide comments or input to staff.
After this meeting the staff will return to Council to discuss the feedback and comments heard. Council may direct staff to make further changes to the draft documents, or may give the documents 1st Reading, which will begin the formal adoption process. Once 1st Reading is given, a Public Hearing will be scheduled and advertised. The Public Hearing is the final opportunity to address Council or submit written correspondence in relation to the draft Secondary Planning Strategy and Land Use By-Law.
All Council and Committee meetings are open to the public. Some dates are yet to be determined. Notices with the date, time and location of meetings will be posted in a local newspaper, on our website, on Municipal social media and notices will be posted at the Municipal Office.
Call us! 902-275-2599
Write us! Community Development Department, Box 369, 186 Central Street, Chester, NS B0J 1Jo
Email us!