Proposal to Rezone lands around Spectacle Lake to Lakeside Zone
What: Public information Meeting to provide information and solicit comments on a proposed rezoning of properties that border Spectacle Lake to the Lakeside Zone
When: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 beginning at 6:00pm
Where: Municipal Council Chambers, 151 King Street, Chester
What is it: The meeting follows a decision of Council on October 17, 2024 to remove the Protected Watershed Zone, and apply the Mixed Use Zone and General Basic Zone to lands surrounding Spectacle Lake. Council also directed staff to conduct analysis and present a report at a future Council meeting to consider application of the Lakeside Zone to properties around Spectacle Lake. The Lakeside Zone will allow for low density residential development, while maintaining protections and regulations designed to protect water quality from the impacts of development residential land use.
How can I have my say? The meeting is designed to provide information on the rezoning and allow time for comments, questions, and ideas to be shared. You may also contract Planning staff directly to ask questions or let us know your thoughts on the proposal.
Staff have received direction to prepare a report to consider the topography of the lands surrounding Spectacle Lake, existing land use, existing property boundaries and roads and will provide a number of options for application of the Lakeside Zone. Following the Public information Meeting, the report will be considered by Council before making a final decision, which will follow a duly scheduled Public Hearing.
Notices with the date, time and location of future meetings will be posted in a local newspaper, on our website, on Municipal social media channels and at the Municipal Office. Council Meetings are open to members of the public and are also streamed live on YouTube (
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