Tactile Notebooks & the Written Word
Tactile Notebooks & the Written Word is a four day workshop
open to all levels and welcomes former students as well as
The main objective of this workshop is to support students in
establishing a dynamic, tactile notebook practice that is
meaningful and rewarding. Students will use their notebook as
a reflective space in which to document and give expression to
their daily experiences.
Motivated by haptic considerations, they will use their senses
to stimulate and awaken perception, guide the making
process, and enhance the way they communicate both visually
and verbally. Throughout the workshop, students will create
tactile pages, playing with materials, techniques, and words to
make concrete the vital elements of their sensory experience.
Each day there will be an introduction to the day's theme, a
hands-on exercise, a period for writing and group conversation.
"Best class I've ever done at Fibers West. Sandra Brownlee is an
absolute gem. Her ability to connect with each student is
outstanding. A life-changing class.
- TN & the WW workshop student, Perth, Australia