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Indoor Games

Body Language (2+ participants)


  • We all know the drill when the '70s song "Y.M.C.A." comes on the radio. 
  • Take a cue from the Village People and show your kids how to form letters with their bodies. 
  • Have them work together to create letters or form their names or short words, either in a standing position or lying flat on the ground. 
  • Snap pictures of their letters so they can see how great they look.


Catch with a catch (2+ participants)


  • Have each player toss a beach ball into the air and try to touch his nose or high-five the other players before the balls drop. 
  • Make the challenges harder as you go along.


Color Walk (2+ participants)


  • Have your child gather sheets of construction paper or a stack of mismatched hand towels and lay them down in a path all through the house. (To keep them from slipping, tape down the construction paper or towels with painter's or masking tape, which won't ruin your floors.) 
  • Tell them to keep colors separate, so there won't be, say, three sheets of red paper in a row. 
  • Once they’re done, the challenge is on: Can they walk from one room to the next by stepping only on certain colors? Can they make it from one end of the house to the other, stepping only on blue and red? Can they manage it on all fours, or by hopping?


Crab Carry (2+ participants) 


  • Show your child how to walk like a crab: hands and feet on the floor, stomach facing up. 
  • Once they can do it, give them a goal. They can balance some beanbags on their belly and move across a marked finish line or gather some wayward toys and move them to their room. (Don't mention that he's helping you clean up!) 
  • Which is faster: carrying one toy across the room at a time, or a whole pile at once—without spilling? 


Crambo (2+ participants)


  • One player begins the game by saying, "I am thinking of something in the room that rhymes with ____”
  • The others then ask questions to figure out what it might be. 
  • The one that guesses it correctly goes next. Expand the boundaries as needed.


Giants, Wizards, and Elves! (2+ participants)


  • Split the participants into two teams and put them at opposite ends of the play area. That area will be designated as their safe zone.
  • Each team gets into a huddle and decides as a team whether they will be giants, wizards, or elves. 
  • Giants put their hands over their heads, wizards put their hands out straight in front of them wiggling their fingers, and elves make pointy ears on their heads with their pointer fingers.
  • Once teams have decided their characters, they come up to the center spot and line up face to face. On the count of three, everyone does the action that corresponds with their team’s character. 
  • Giants beat elves, elves beat wizards, and wizards beat giants. The team that is the winning team chases the other team back to their safe zone, trying to tag as many members of the other team as possible before they reach their safe zone. 
  • The members from the team that gets tagged become part of the other team. The goal of the game is to get all of the participants on your team. 


Group shoe tying (2+ participants)

  • Materials: Laced shoes


  • Have children pair up in twos, with at least one participant from each pair wearing lace-up shoes.
  • When the leader says go, using one hand from each participant, the pair has to try to tie the shoe. It is harder than it sounds!
  • Once everyone has had a practice round, have pairs wander around the play area and find other pairs to race. Once a pair has lost a shoe tying race, they are out and have to follow around the pair they lost to, cheering them on.
  • If a pair wins the race, they continue to wander and find another pair to race.
  • Keep going until there are only two groups left, and everyone else is cheering the groups on!
  • The fastest shoe tying pair wins!

Jimmy Jimmy Woo (2+ participants)


  • The person in the know will hold up a hand (doesn't matter which hand and it doesn't matter if the palm is towards them or not) and touches each finger in their hand starting at the pinky saying Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy woooo Jimmy (reverse) woooo Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy(the wooo is when you get to the area between the pointer finger and the thumb - you slide your finger down the pointer finger and up the thumb). Then cross your arms and challenge someone else to join the club. 
  • The goal is to get the people to try and try this over and over again changing the hand they use, the position of the fingers, etc trying to join the club until they finally realize that they need to cross their arms at the end.
  • Once you are down to a few people not in the club start making the arm-crossing more and more obvious so they finally catch on


Patience (2+ participants)

  • Materials: 1 pack of cards


  • Each team is given a suit of cards from ace to ten.
  • The ten cards for each team are laid face down randomly on a table in front of them.
  • One at a time, the players run up and turn over a card.
  • If it is not the ace then they turn it face down again and run back to their team and the next player has a go.
  • When the ace is turned up they can lay it face up at the front of the table and then run back to let the next person go.
  • The next card needed is two and so on.
  • Play continues until one team has all its cards turned face up in the correct order.


Speed-read (2+ participants)


  • Turbocharge storytime: Choose a word that will be repeated often ("green," for instance, if you're reading Green Eggs and Ham) 
  • Have your child stand up or sit down each time they hear it.

ABC Basketball (3+ participants) 


  • This game should be played by a basketball hoop. 
  • Children sit in a large circle and pass the basketball around the circle (like hot potato) while singing the alphabet. 
  • Whoever has the ball when the group gets to the letter Z must go to the basket and try to make a shot. 
  • If the player makes the shot, they take their seat in the circle. If they miss it, they are out of the game.


Animal Charades (3+ participants)


  • Write the names of various animals on slips of paper and drop them into a bowl. 
  • Take turns choosing a slip and acting out the animal (try it with no sounds for a real challenge) until someone guesses correctly.


Balloon pop (3+ participants) 


  • Tie a balloon to each player's right leg with a three-foot length of string. 
  • When everyone is outfitted, assemble the kids in the garage or a room with lots of open space. 
  • The goal is to pop the other players' balloons by stomping on them. Once a kid's balloon is popped, they’re out. 
  • Loud, wild, fun. (Have them pick up the bits of balloon left on the floor afterward. They're a choking hazard for little kids.)


Blind Cow (3+ participants)


  • All players sit in a circle facing the center. 
  • One person is blindfolded and is the "Blind Cow." 
  • The "blind cow" should be spun around and then brought to the center of the circle. 
  • A bell should then be passed around the circle and rung. 
  • The "blind cow" will then follow the sound of the bell. The game leader points at the person who should stop the bell. 
  • The "blind cow" now has to guess who is holding the bell (by pointing). If the person is right, the chosen person becomes the cow in the next round. If they are wrong, they have to go again (until they guess right).

Catch, Don't Catch (3+ participants)


  • One person goes into the middle of the circle with a ball. 
  • They will go around the circle saying ‘catch or don't catch’ to the group. 
  • If a person catches a ball and the person in the middle said don't catch they are out and vise versa. 
  • As the group gets better speed it up, the last person standing is the new middle person


Dream game (3+ participants)


  • Have one person who has never played the game before leaving the room. Let them know the group will be coming up with a dream and they will have to ask yes or no questions to guess the story. 
  • While the other person is gone, the leader will explain that they won’t actually come up with a story. Instead, they come up with an order of how many times they will say yes or no (example, yes three times, no twice, yes three times, no twice, and so on)
  • When the person comes back in the room, they can start asking yes or no questions. The group will call out yes or no together based on the pattern they decided. To make it extra hilarious participants can pretend to ponder some questions before saying yes or no.


Face Charades (3+ participants)

  • Materials: Paper, pen, hat


  • Before you begin, have each person write three or four emotions on different pieces of paper. If you’re doing it with a younger group you can do it yourself.
  • Fold them up, and put them into a cup or hat.
  • Each player takes a turn drawing emotion out of the cup and then acting it out for the other players. This must be done without making any sound and without moving any part of the body except for the face and head. That’s right- no hand, arm, leg, or other body motions.
  • Examples: Happiness, sadness, shyness, surprise, hunger, anger, love, confusion, fright, sleepiness, disgust, boredom.


Hand Slap (3+ participants)


  • All participants kneel on the floor and put both hands on the floor in front of them.
  • Everyone should place their left hand under the arm of the person to their left. This way, everyone should have two other hands between their own two hands.
  • One person starts a pulse by slapping one of his/her hands on the floor.
  • This is passed around the circle in one direction with each hand slapping in turn.
  • If someone slaps his/her hand twice in succession, then the direction gets reversed.
  • If someone bounds a fist on the floor the pulse humps skip a hand.
  • A hand is out if the person hesitates or slaps when it is not their turn. A person is out when both of his/her hands are out.
  • Try to speed up the game towards the end by punishing hesitations severely.


Flinch (3+ participants)


  • Start with a ball or a rolled-up sock or bandana. 
  • One person (the flinch master) stands in the middle of a circle created by everyone else (group size is n/a). 
  • The people making up the circle should stand about 8-10 feet away from the flinch master. 
  • The flinch master tosses the ball, or sock, or whatever to each person in the circle in no particular order. 
  • This is an elimination game, in order to get the people out the flinch master tries to get them to flinch by pump-faking a throw. 
  • The people in the circle stand with their arms crossed over their chest and are eliminated if they flinch when the ball is not thrown to them or if they drop the ball. 
  • The ball must be thrown underhand and people playing will determine if a dropped pass is a good throw or not. 
  • The last person standing becomes the new flinch master.


Grandma's Underpants (3+ participants) 


  • Have the group sit in a circle. One person is "it" and stands in the middle of the circle.
  • The people on the outside of the circle ask the "it" questions. The only thing the "it" can say is "My grandma's underpants." 
  • The object is to try to make the "it" laugh. When someone makes the "it" laugh, they become "it".


Group Knot (3+ participants)


  • Have the campers stand in a tight circle, with their hands in the center. 
  • Then have them grab other hands at random. 
  • The puzzle is for the whole group to work together to get themselves untangled. 
  • Sometimes you’ll find that the group has formed several smaller circles.


Ha Ha Ha! (3+ participants)


  • Have everyone lie in a circle with each other’s heads on each other’s stomachs. 
  • On ‘go’, the first person will shout ‘HA’, and then it will be repeated one by one clock-wise around the circle. (When you do this everyone’s heads bounce up on the person’s stomachs). 
  • Then you shout two ‘HA HA’s’ and go around. Continue doing this and increase the number of ‘HA’s!’ 
  • See if you can get up to 10 HA HA’s without everyone going bananas laughing!


How long is a minute? (3+ participants)


  • Tell the participants that you are going to time a minute on your watch.
  • The participants must raise their hand when they have counted a minute in their heads.
  • The closest one is the winner.
  • Alternative: split participants into equal groups. Set the amount of time they need to count to based on thirty seconds per group member. Have the participants hold hands and decide who is going to start first. 
  • Once the leader says go, the first participant will estimate their thirty seconds. Once they think it has been thirty seconds, they will squeeze the next person’s hand, who will then start their count and squeeze the next person’s hand after their thirty seconds. 
  • The last person will stand up after their thirty seconds up. Whoever stands up the closest to the designated amount of time wins the game for their team.


Hula Hoop Pass (3+ participants)

  • Materials: 1 hula hoop (or two, if doing teams)


  • Participants are told to stand in a circle, holding hands. 
  • The leader begins passing the hula hoop around the circle, without anyone’s hands letting go.
  • If you want, do this in teams and make it a race or time them and see if they can beat their scores.


Lion’s Cub (3+ participants)

  • Materials: Stuffed animal


  • Select a participant to be the lion and have them sit with their backs to the other players at least ten feet away.
  • Put the stuffed animal behind the lion and have the lion pretend it is their cub.
  • Have the other participants take turns sneaking up behind the lion to try to steal the cub.
  • If the lion hears the person sneaking up it can roar and then turn around. If the lion has caught a participant, that person then becomes the lion and they switch places. 
  • If there is no person there when the lion roars then the lion remains the lion and the game starts again.


Pass the Pebble (3+ participants)

  • Materials: A small pebble


  • All players stand about while one goes around pretending to drop a pebble into the hands of each of the players, who hold their palms together.
  • When the pebble has been passed around the group and has been left in one player’s hands, the one who has it slyly slips away and runs for the goal previously determined by the group, and all try to catch them.
  • The one who succeeds passes the pebble in the next round. If no one succeeds in catching the player, that player passes the pebble in the next round. HINT: Ask players to spread out so no one knows who holds the pebble.


Quiet on the set (3+participants)


  • All the participants have to be completely silent. Anybody who makes noise is out.
  • Leaders walk around and try to get them to talk. Try asking questions to throw them off guard to get them to talk!


Signal (3+ participants)


  • Participants sit or stand in a circle
  • Each participant chooses a motion, movement, hand sign, etc.
  • The goal is to pass the movement around the circle using signals
  • To receive a signal, the participant must do their signal and then do the signal of someone else in the circle to pass the movement on.
  • This continues until someone messes up, and that person is out (or if you want the game to last longer, that person has to do something silly or do an exercise). If you are playing with ‘outs,’ the game continues until there is one winner. 


Syllable Name (3+ participants)


  • With the group standing in a circle, have the participants each choose an action for every syllable of their name (example: Elvis has 2 syllables, so they do a hip shake with “El” and snaps his fingers for “vis”). 
  • Once Elvis has done his action while saying his name, the whole group repeats. 
  • After the 2nd person does their name, the whole group repeats, then do Elvis’s again and so on until everyone’s done it.


Zip Zap Zop (3+ participants)


  • The first player claps their hands, says “Zip", and points at another player in the circle.
  • The player that was pointed to must immediately clap and point at someone else in the circle (including the previous player), saying “Zap".
  • The third player continues the pattern, this time using the word “Zop".
  • The pattern of words repeats, going: “Zip", “Zap", Zop", “Zip", “Zap" etc.
  • If anyone hesitates or says the wrong word, they take a strike. Three strikes and a player loses, which ends the round.
  • Try to play the game with some speed to increase the chances of a mistake.
  • If they say the name correctly, the "It" continues going to other people in the circle. If they make a mistake or don't say the name in time, they become the new "It."


Bippity Boppity Boo (4+ participants) 


  • Everyone stands or sits in a circle with one "It" person in the middle. 
  • The "It" then walks up to a person and says either "Me, Bippity Boppity Boo," "You, Bippity Boppity Boo," "Left, Bippity Boppity Boo," or "Right, Bippity Boppity Boo."
  • If the "it" person says "Left, Bippity Boppity Boo," then the person must correctly say the name of the person to the left of them before "it" person finishes saying "Bippity Boppity Boo" 
  • If they say the name correctly, the "It" continues going to other people in the circle. If they make a mistake or don't say the name in time, they become the new "It."


Blind Grid (4+ participants)

  • Materials: Masking tape, pen/marker, paper


  • Set up a grid with any given number of squares.
  • Create a map with a specific route from one end of the grid to the other.
  • Participants go one at a time, trying to make their way through the grid one square at a time.
  • If a participant is correct, the leader says nothing, but if the participant steps in an incorrect spot the leader sends them to the back of the line and lets the next child try.
  • This continues until someone is successful in getting the entire way through the grid.


Bob The Weasel (4+ participants)


  • One member of a group steps into the center of the group who are circled around that member.
  • The outside group put their arms around each other as in a huddle and pass an object around the outside of the circle. the person on the inside of the circle must try to guess who has the object while turning slowly and the group is jumping and repeating "Bob the Weasel keep it goin' keep it goin'". 
  • If the person inside the circle has their back turned to the person in the circle with "Bob" that circle member may hold up the object and everyone would say "I saw the weasel, 
  • I saw the weasel" and then return to the original "Bob the Weasel Keep it Goin' keep it Goin'" 
  • When the person in the middle correctly guesses who has the weasel, the person holding the weasel goes in the middle.


Ducks and Cows (4+ participants)


  • This is a great way to divide a large group into two smaller groups. 
  • Players close their eyes while one person goes around tapping them on the shoulders designating them either a duck or a cow. 
  • On a given signal, players keep their eyes closed and must find other members of their duck or cow team by "mooing" or "quacking”.

Honey, Do You Love Me? (4+ participants)


  • The participants sit in a circle.
  • One participant is chosen to be “it”.
  • The person who is “it” asks someone else in the circle “Honey Do You Love Me?”
  • The person must respond “Honey, I love you, but I just can’t smile” (obviously, they must say this without smiling!)
  • If they can do it without smiling, the person who is “it” must keep asking people around the room, until someone smiles.
  • The person who smiles becomes the new “it”.
  • The person who is “it” can use whatever theatrics they’d like.. Batting eyelashes, making faces, silly voices, to get the other person to smile.


Indy 500 (4+ participants)


  • The group should be sitting in a circle and numbered 1-4. 
  • Give each number a name of a car. (ex. 1's are Porches, 2's are Ferrari's... etc) 
  • The game leader calls a car name and those cars have to get up and run around the circle.
  • The first person back to their spot wins. 
  • There is a twist to this game. The cars can have things wrong with them as the leader chooses. Some ideas are; FLAT TIRE (Hop around on one foot), RUN OUT OF GAS (Crab Walk), TURBO BOOST (run around), NO MUFFLER (noisy!)...etc


One Frog (4+ participants) 


  • Everyone gets in a circle and sits crossed legged. 
  • One person will start the beat, and everyone will continue the beat by patting their hands on their laps. The beat will continue throughout the game. 
  • The chant for this game is ONE FROG, IN THE WATER, KERPLUNK. The first person will start by saying ONE FROG on the beat. The person to the left of them will say IN THE WATER, the person to the left of them will say KERPLUNK. 
  • After the first three people say this it goes TWO FROGS, TWO FROGS... the game continues with each part of the chant being said the number of times as there are frogs. 
  • When a person makes a mistake, they are put in the middle to distract the other players. Each player can only say one part of the chant at a time. The beat should stay the same throughout.


Pass the Parcel (4+ participants)


  • Children form a circle on the floor, sitting close to one another.
  • Someone who is not in the game turns on some music and the children start passing the parcel around the circle. At random intervals, the music person will turn off the music. It is very important that the music person NOT see what is going on in the circle! Their back should be to the circle.
  • As long as the music is playing, the players pass the parcel. When the music stops, the person who happens to be holding the package tries to open it. As soon as the music starts up again, they must pass the parcel along again, keeping the wrappings as intact as possible. 
  • Only when the music stops can wrapping paper be removed. 


Pipety-Pop (4+ participants)


  • The person who opens the gift gets to keep it. 
  • Players sit or stand in a circle, and "It" is in the middle. 
  • He points his finger at someone in the circle and says either "Pipety-pop," or "Popety-pip." 
  • If Pipety-pop is said then the player that is pointed at must say pip before the entire phrase is said by the pointer. 
  • For Popety-pip, the person must say pop before the phrase is finished. If they do not say the correct word or do not say it in time then they become the person in the middle.


Pterodactyl (4+ participants)


  • All participants sit in a circle
  • Players are not allowed to show their teeth
  • To start, the first participant says “Pterodactyl” to the person on their left. 
  • That continues around the circle until someone says “SQUAWK” at which point the game changes direction.
  • If you, laugh or show your teeth at any point, you are out


Question Game (4+ participants)


  • Arrange the group in a circle.
  • In order, each person asks an open-ended (can’t be answered with “yes” or “no”) question to the person to their left.
  • Instruct everyone to remember the question that they asked and the answer they gave to the question they were asked. 
  • Those are now the only 2 phrases each person can say. 
  • Instruct everyone to get up and sit next to someone new in the circle. 
  • Then you will go around the circle and people will ask their original questions, and give their original answers, regardless of their question. 
  • It is funny to listen to how it comes out in the end.


Rhythm Game (4+ participants)


  • Everyone is in a circle. One camper closes their eyes or steps out of the room. 
  • The leader chooses a secret leader. Be sure to choose quietly so the "guesser" can't hear you.
  • The leader begins an action such as snapping fingers, patting the tummy, or slapping knees, and everyone in the circle imitates the Leader. 
  • The guesser returns and tries to figure out who the leader is within three guesses. As the guesser looks around, the leader should change the action without being detected.


Telephone (4+ participants)


  • Have children sit in a circle. 
  • The leader comes up with a simple sentence and whispers it in the ear of the person to their right.
  • That person is then instructed to whisper the sentence to the next person, and so on until the story makes its way the entire way around the circle.
  • The last person is asked to say the sentence out loud, and the leader then says what the sentence was originally.
  • Chances are, it will be different.


Chicken, Chicken, Who’s got the Chicken? (5+ participants)


  • One person starts by saying (dramatically), “(Clear throat) Chicken, Chicken, who’s got the Chicken?”
  • Players must guess who has “got” the chicken.
  • To have the chicken, the player must say phrase STARTING WITH A CLEAR OF THE THROAT. This can be done rather inconspicuously at first and much more dramatic as people begin to get frustrated from not being able to figure out this game.
  • Players can make whatever motions they want and say the phrase however they want.


Cobbler, Cobbler (5+ participants)


  • Campers sit in a circle and begin to sing this song:
    • Cobbler, Cobbler where's my shoe
      Have it ready by half-past two
      If by half-past two it can't be done
      Have it ready by half-past one
  • The counselor takes one of their shoes (or something else) and passes it behind their back to the person next to them. This continues around the circle. 
  • One camper is sitting in the middle of the circle with their eyes closed. When the song is sung through once, the shoe stops in the circle and everyone has their hands behind their backs. The camper in the middle tries to guess where the shoe has stopped. They get three guesses, then you choose someone else to go in the middle.


Evolution (5+ participants)

Directions: (Every group member must know how to play “Rock, Paper, Scissors.”

  • Everyone starts as an egg, and waddles around saying “Wobble! Wobble!” When an egg finds another egg, they play “Rock, Paper, Scissors”
  • The winner will evolve into a chicken, and hop around making chicken noises until they find another chicken to play ‘Rock., Paper, Scissors”
  • The loser will become an egg again; an egg is the lowest species one can be. 
  • The winner of the chickens will become a dinosaur
  • The dinosaurs walk around t-rexes and roar until they find another dinosaur to play “Rock, Paper, Scissors”
  • The winner of the dinosaur match becomes an ultimate being. Ultimate beings walk around saying ‘Ultimate being, Ultimate being!” 
  • The loser of the dinosaur match becomes a chicken again.
  • Once an ultimate being has won their final match up, they can decide to remain an ultimate being, or try their luck and continue to match other ultimate beings.


Hazoo (5+ participants)


  • Choose someone to be it and divide the group into 2 parallel lines. 
  • The person who is it must walk down the column without laughing or smiling. The rest of the people try to make the person laugh without touching them. 
  • This game can also be done in a circle and the person in the centre can be put in the hot seat. Specific questions can be asked and if successful they become the Grand Pooba.


Human Taco (5+ participants)

  • Materials: Sticky notes, markers. 


  • Stick labeled note cards (with one taco ingredient for each group) on the back of everyone’s shirt. (i.e. the word ‘meat’ printed on a notecard)
  • Have each player mingle around asking yes/no questions to find out the taco ingredient that is on their back.
  • Explain the correct order of ingredients in a Human Taco: Shell, meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa, and give the start command “I’m hungry! Let’s eat! Run for the border!”
  • Each individual must find out which ingredient they are and then find enough to form a complete Human Taco.


I am in a Triangle (5+ participants)


  • The leaders should both know the trick before the start of the game.
  • One leader can say “I’m making a triangle with Drew, Bob, and Anne” (of course you will insert names of group participants).
  • The question you ask the participants is: “Who does this triangle belong to?”
  • The trick is, whoever talks first, after this question, is who the triangle belongs to!
  • You may have to repeat it several times before the delegates catch onto the pattern.


Peek-A-Who (5+ participants)

  • Materials: one large blanket


  • Split participants into two even groups and send them to opposite sides of the room
  • Hold up a large blanket between the groups so that each team cannot see each other
  • Have a member of each team quietly move up to the blanket
  • On the count of three, drop the blanket so that each of the selected members are facing each other
  • When the blanket drops, whoever says the other person’s name first wins. Whoever loses joins the other team. 
  • The goal for each group is to get all members on their side of the blanket.


Wink Murderer (5+ participants)


  • The player sits in a circle facing each other.
  • One player, the detective, leaves the group so that they cannot hear or see the group.
  • One of the players in the circle is chosen to be the murderer.
  • The players are told that if the murderer does a certain thing (i.e. wink or a hand signal) to them they are dead.
  • The detective comes back to the circle where they must guess the identity of the murderer before the entire group is killed.
  • The detective only has a certain number of guesses before the murderer gets away with the crime.
  • Once the murderer gets away with it or gets caught, choose a new detective and murderer.

Impulse (6+ participants)

  • Materials: 1 object


  • Players sit in two lines holding hands, facing away from the other team.
  • The leader sits holding the hands of the first player in each line.
  • When both lines are ready the leader squeezes the hand of one of the players.
  • That player squeezes the hand of the person next to them, then that person squeezes the next person's hand and so on.
  • When the squeezes get to the person at the end of the line the last person grabs the object. Whichever team grabs the object first wins.


Mafia (7+ participants)

  • Directions:
  • The leader of the game (the storyteller) asks everyone in a large circle to close their eyes
  • While their eyes are closed the leader chooses 2-3 Mafia members depending on the size of the group
  • The leader instructs for only the Mafia to open their eyes, see who they are partnered with, decide one player to eliminate (without talking), and Mafia closes their eyes
  • The leader will instruct everyone to open their eyes and announce who has been eliminated by the Mafia 
  • The whole group begin to speculate who the Mafia are and collectively the group will decide on one person to eliminate (If a unanimous decision can’t be made, put it to a vote)
  • They return to sleep when someone has been eliminated and the game continues in the Mafia wakes, Mafia decides to kill, Mafia sleeps, everyone wakes, group eliminates a person – until the Mafia have all been found or all the townspeople have been eliminated


Escape From the Monsters (10+ participants) 


  • Four monsters are chosen, and they are blindfolded and sat in the middle of a circle that is formed by the rest of the players. 
  • In front of these Monsters sits on their treasure (keys). 
  • They have bean bags for ammunition. 
  • Four monsters are chosen, and they are blindfolded and sat in the middle of a circle that is formed by the rest of the players.
  • In front of these Monsters sits on their treasure (keys). They have bean bags for ammunition.
  • The leaders chose one person to go through the circle and get the treasure. This person gets 3 monster de-activators (ropes tied into a circle). These will de-activate the monster if it is put over their head. 
  • The monster can stop trespasser by hitting them with a bean bag. 
  • The players in the circle can help the monsters by telling them where the trespasser is.


Thumbs up 7Up! (14+ participants)

Materials: tables and chairs


  • Choose 7 participants to be ‘it’ first
  • Have all of the other participants put their face in their arms, laying on the table with their eyes closed. Have them place one hand on the table with their thumb up. 
  • Once the leader says go, the 7 participants who are ‘it’ have to choose someone and push their thumb down. Once they have pushed someone’s thumb down they return to the front of the room.
  • The participants whose thumbs had been pushed down then stand up and take turns guessing who pushed their thumb down. Each person gets three guesses. If they do not guess the right person, they sit back down for the next round. 
  • The ‘it’ people who do not get guessed stay up and continue to be ‘it’
  • The people who guess who pushed their thumb down switch places with the person who pushed their thumb down