Lorraine has been integral for the successful and ongoing management of the Western Nova Scotia Camp Council (WNSCC), which is the governing body for Sherbrooke Lake Camp. She has sat on the Executive for our Board of Directors for as long as I can remember and brings a lens of legacy that is valuable and a lens of understanding that is sustainable.
Lorraine is always the first to listen to new ideas, first to answer the call for help and the first to help us navigate our way forward in challenging or difficult times. During 2021, when our organization was without an Executive Director since 2017, Lorraine was keen to step up as an Executive board member to fill the many roles and responsibilities needed to make camp a safe and supportive place to welcome children and youth - all while navigating the new rules that COVID-19 restrictions had on camps that summer.
She supported the work of our Social Justice Learning Circle, as we work to become a more inclusive, equitable and aware organization. Through this, she has helped to host L'nuk Language and Cultural Specialist Sunshin Paul-Martin during the Mi'kma'ki Blanket Exercise that we facilitated on site. This was so valuable as she advocates for positive change, is a respected voice of legacy on the board and understands our mission.
In November 2023, she joined myself and our young Leadership & Wellness Director at the Campfire Collective Camping Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas. She was one of few Board Members present, and the only Board Member that came from Canada. This was such an impactful experience not only for our Board, but to inspire other boards to engage in professional development to further understand the reality of camping professionals in 2024! Lorraine is someone you can always reach to for help.