Municipal staff are hosting three public consultation sessions about the Village Plan Review. Each session will begin with a presentation followed by time for questions and discussion. All sessions will be held at St. Stephen's Anglican Community Hall located at 54 Regent Street in Chester.
- July 22 10:30am-12:00pm
- July 26 2:30pm-4:00pm
- August 3 6:30pm-8:00pm
- August 5 10:30am-12:00pm
Topics for discussion
- Short-term Rentals Regulations
- Accessory Dwelling Units and Gentle Density
- Highway 3 (North Street) Changes
- Architectural Controls
- Renamed & Revised Zone Boundaries
- Use of Development Agreements
- Waterfront Infill Regulations
- And many more topics and issues!
What to expect
- Review the new documents and ask staff for clarifications or more information on particular topics
- Provide thoughts and comments as there is still time to make changes to the draft plans before they are finalized
Next Steps
Following these three sessions, staff will create a "What We Heard" report for Council and allow for changes to the draft Secondary Planning Strategy (SPS) and Land Use By-Law (LUB). Once final edits are made, a Public Hearing will be held to hear more from the public and for Council's final review. The documents can then be adopted by Council and sent to the Province for approval.