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Councillor Derek Wells

District 3

Chester area and includes Chester and part of East Chester.

Derek Wells is the senior partner of his Chester law firm, where he has worked for over 40 years.  He is married to Dr. Alison Kelland.  Derek and Alison have 6 children and many grandchildren, some of whom still live in Chester.

He was the solicitor for the Municipality of Chester for over 20 years, and also served as the Member of Parliament for our area. 

He was a board member for various recreation and heritage groups in Chester, including the Lighthouse Food Bank, Church Memorial Park, the Chester Municipal Recreation Commission, the Chester Municipal Heritage Society, and the Zoe Valle Library.   As his children were growing up he enjoyed coaching minor sports.

His personal activities include, among others, biking & walking on our local trails, golfing, growing pumpkins, singing with both the Studio Singers & the Dirty Dougie and the Divine Dandies, and watching his grandchildren grow.

Derek is quietly proud of the fact he was awarded the Eco-Olympic Medal from the Sierra Club of Canada for his work to protect our Atlantic coastlines.

Committee and Appointment Roster

  • Audit Committee 
  • Chester Village Planning Advisory Committee
  • Committee of the Whole 
  • Lunenburg County Accessibility Advisory Committee (Alternate)
  • Recreation & Parks Committee (Alternate)
  • Regional Emergency Measures (REMO) (Alternate) 
  • South West Regional Community Advisory Board (formally Flight Engineering) 
  • Zoe Valle Library Municipal Trustee